Patient Database Management
Center for research in molecular medicine patient samples of University of Cyprus. This system works locally where it was build. Of course all patient details were removed for security reasons. [Source] [Preview]
Center for research in molecular medicine patient samples of University of Cyprus. This system works locally where it was build. Of course all patient details were removed for security reasons. [Source] [Preview]
A couple of years ago trying to get a grasp of java interfaces I created this simple java calculator. I just remembered this now so I am posting it. It works very nicely for regular numbers. Rounding may not be accurate though. Give it a try! [jar and Source]
The following process will not enable Sonarr to download the torrents as before. Instead, it is a workaround in order to Synology Download Station to do the actual search/downloading and Sonarr to do the rest; archiving, renaming etc. Sonarr configuration should remain as is. Step 1 Visit and create an…
Recently I bought the Xiaomi Mi TV box 3 (International version). From the specifications and description, it seemed perfect for me as it is cheap and supports Netflix 4K, Chromecast, Kodi and running Android TV which gives access to many useful apps from PlayStore. To cut long story short, from day one I noticed problems…
Download and install Wireshark from Launch the application. Go to Capture -> Options. Select the interface for the wireless network card and tick Capture packets in promiscuous mode. Then press Start. MSN conversation hack: Wireshark will start capturing packets that flow around. Among others we notice at the protocol field the MSNMS (Microsoft Network…
I was planning for quite some time now to register the domain A few days ago this really happened. In order not to leave the domain sitting without any use, I decided to create a very simple URL shortener interface written in PHP. Visit and shorten as many domains as you like. It’s…
A common error that you can come across while updating your WordPress plugins is the one in the screenshot where WordPress is requesting to provide the Connection Credentials in order to be able to update. For me personally this happened when I moved my websites to a new server and the permissions of the files…