Peg Solitaire
A program that solves the peg solitaire game finding the best possible solution. It is written in C. Input files and source code are found in the attachment. [Source]
Build a proxy server in C using threads and sockets. Every server can have up to two connections on the proxy. Client requests must be satisfied. New servers must be added to a list/array upon a request and must be removed if no request comes within 10 seconds. [Source]
In my case, this was mostly happening in public spaces like hotels, airports and malls; when one day it started happening at home which is simply not acceptable! I have struggled with it for quite some time, searching in forums where nobody seems to know what they are talking about. Some claim that this is…
A common error that you can come across while updating your WordPress plugins is the one in the screenshot where WordPress is requesting to provide the Connection Credentials in order to be able to update. For me personally this happened when I moved my websites to a new server and the permissions of the files…
Searching for Android MIPS applications for Ainol Novo can prove to be frustrating, especially if you are looking for something specific like Skype, YouTube or Facebook. I have gathered a list of applications from various websites that claim to work with Ainol Novo 7 Basic tablet. Unfortunately mine did not arrive yet, shipping from China…
The following process will not enable Sonarr to download the torrents as before. Instead, it is a workaround in order to Synology Download Station to do the actual search/downloading and Sonarr to do the rest; archiving, renaming etc. Sonarr configuration should remain as is. Step 1 Visit and create an…
Recently I bought the Xiaomi Mi TV box 3 (International version). From the specifications and description, it seemed perfect for me as it is cheap and supports Netflix 4K, Chromecast, Kodi and running Android TV which gives access to many useful apps from PlayStore. To cut long story short, from day one I noticed problems…