RSA OAEP PKCS-1 Java attack
A Chosen Ciphertext Attack on RSA Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) as Standardized in PKCS #1 v2.0. [Source]
Implementation was removed after request from University of Bristol.
This is an online auction system (like eBay) that lets users add items for sale and purchase items. Users are only allowed to enter bids if they have sufficient funds and when an auction has ended the money are being transfered from the buyer to the seller automatically. An extra feature supported by this auction…
I was planning for quite some time now to register the domain A few days ago this really happened. In order not to leave the domain sitting without any use, I decided to create a very simple URL shortener interface written in PHP. Visit and shorten as many domains as you like. It’s…
The following process will not enable Sonarr to download the torrents as before. Instead, it is a workaround in order to Synology Download Station to do the actual search/downloading and Sonarr to do the rest; archiving, renaming etc. Sonarr configuration should remain as is. Step 1 Visit and create an…
Recently I tried to install Boot Camp 5.0.5033 on my MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2009) having previously installed Windows 7 64-bit. Guess what? Apple decided to make our life difficult again by popping up “Boot Camp x64 is unsupported on this computer model” error. I am guessing that this problem happening to many of you out there that…
This is a short article describing how to install an SSL Let’s Encrypt certificate on Ubiquiti Unifi Controller that is installed on Synology using Docker. The article assumes that Docker and Unifi Controller are already installed on your Synology NAS and that the Let’s Encrypt certificate is already added in Synology’s Control Panel. Also that…
Implementation of a text version of World of Zuul adventure game using Java. The implementation follows the Object Oriented Programming principles. [Source]
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Can you please send me the java source to my email id :
I am afraid that is not possible as I was asked from the University of Bristol not to.